Home News Website Layout Update

Website Layout Update

Hey everyone, long time no see!

Long absence on my end, I’m aware. There are medical reasons involved which I explained on the discord for those who are curious. Long story short, I had a bit of a Togashi phase going on.

Still, it’s been a while since the last time I posted anything on wordpress, and not without reason. Basically what happened is that due to a new update, my previous theme was not really working and was creating bugs all over (Which affected things like the whole RSS feed for some reason). So I switched to a completely new theme and had to code the a lot of design aspects all over, which is not my forte when it comes to web since I’m more of a data-scientist. Still, it’s all coming together now, and I think it’s in a good enough state to post chapters again.

I’m definitely open to suggestions if you have any regarding the website. (For example, I created a custom night mode since no available night mode templates were fitting with the website)

I already have a few chapters translated, which you’ll be seeing in the coming days. I plan to fully come back to the translations now, meaning I’m looking for now projects (Japanese -> English since my grasp on Korean is pretty terrible) which I’m definitely open to as well.

Anyway, it’s great to be back, and you’ll be seeing a lot of me, so stay tuned for what’s coming !

On that note, have a great week !

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